Unit Testing Guidelines

Test modules, directories

Spine project uses Python standard unittest framework for testing. The tests are organized into Python modules starting with the prefix test_ under <project root>/tests/. The structure of tests/ mirrors that of the package being tested. Note that all subdirectories containing test modules under tests/ must have an (empty) __init__.py which makes them part of the project’s test package.

While there are no strict rules on how to name the individual test modules except for the test_ prefix, test_<module_name>.py is preferred.

Running the tests

Tests are run as a GitHub action whenever a branch is pushed to GitHub. This process is configured by <project root>/.github/workflows/unittest_runner.yml

To execute the tests manually, run python -munittest discover in project’s root.


mock_helpers module in Toolbox’s test package contains some helpful functions. Especially the methods to create mock ToolboxUI and SpineToolboxProject objects come very handy.

When instantiation of QWidget (this includes all GUI testing) is needed, Qt’s main loop must be running during testing. This can be achieved by e.g. the setUpClass method below:

def setUpClass(cls):
    if not QApplication.instance():

Sometimes an in-memory database can be handy because it does not require a temporary files or directories and it may be faster than an .sqlite file. To create an in-memory database, use sqlite:// as the URL:

db_map = DiffDatabaseMapping("sqlite://", create=True)

Unfortunately, it is not possible to refer to the created database with the same URL prohibiting multiple database maps the access to the same in-memory database.