Spine Engine Server


Here is a list of items that you should be aware of when running projects on Spine Engine Server.

  • Projects must be self-contained. The project directory must contain all input and output files, file/db references, Specification files and scripts.

  • Work or Source directory execution mode setting is ignored. Tools are always executed in ‘source’ directory, i.e. in the directory where the Tool Spec main script resides.

  • Python Basic Console. Interpreter setting in Tool Specification Editor is ignored. Basic Console runs the same Python that was used in starting the Server.

  • Python Jupyter Console. Kernel spec setting in Tool Specification Editor is ignored. Jupyter Console is launched using the python3 kernel spec. This must be installed before the server is started. See instructions below.

  • Julia Basic Console. Interpreter setting in app settings (Tools page in File->Settings) is ignored. Basic Console runs the Julia that is found in PATH. See installation instructions below.

  • Julia Jupyter Console. Kernel spec setting in app settings (Tools page in File->Settings) is ignored. Jupyter Console is launched using the julia-1.8 kernel spec. This must be installed before the server is started. See instructions below.

Setting up Spine Engine Server

You can either install the entire Spine Toolbox or just the required parts to run the Spine Engine Server.

Minimal Installation

Spine Engine server does not need the entire Spine Toolbox installation. Only spine-engine, spinedb-api and spine-items. Note that the dependencies of spine-items are not needed. Here are the step-by-step instructions for a minimal installation:

1.1 Make a miniconda environment & activate it

1.2. Clone spine-engine

1.3. cd to spine-engine repo root, run:

pip install -e .

1.4. Clone spine-items

1.5. cd to spine-items repo root

1.6. Install spine-items without dependencies by running:

pip install --no-deps -e .

Full Installation

Install Spine Toolbox regularly

1.1. Make a miniconda environment & activate

1.2. Clone Spine Toolbox

1.3. Follow the installation instructions in README.md

Finalize Setting Up and Start Server

  1. Create security credentials (optional)

    • cd to <spine_engine_repo_root>/spine_engine/server/

    • Create security certificates by running:

      python certificate_creator.py
    • The certificates are created into <spine_engine_repo_root>/spine_engine/server/certs/ directory.

    • Configure allowed endpoints by creating file <spine_engine_repo_root>/spine_engine/server/connectivity/certs/allowEndpoints.txt

    • Add IP addresses of the remote end points to the file

  2. Install IPython kernel spec (python3) to enable Jupyter Console execution of Python Tools

    • Run:

      python -m pip install ipykernel
  3. Install Julia 1.8

  4. Install IJulia kernel spec (julia-1.8) to enable Jupyter Console execution of Julia tools

    • Open Julia REPL and press ] to enter pkg mode. Run:

      add IJulia
    • This installs julia-1.8 kernel spec to ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels on Ubuntu or to %APPDATA%jupyterkernels on Windows

  5. Start Spine Engine Server

    • cd to <spine_engine_repo_root>/spine_engine/server/

    • Without security, run:

      python start_server.py 50001
    • where 50001 is the server port number.

    • With Stonehouse security, run:

      python start_server.py 50001 StoneHouse ./certs
    • where 50001 is an example server port number, StoneHouse is the security model, and the path is the folder containing the security credentials.


Valid port range is 49152-65535.

Setting up Spine Toolbox (client)

  1. (Optional) If server is started using StoneHouse security, copy security credentials from the server to some directory. Server’s secret key does not need to be copied.

  2. Start Spine Toolbox and open a project

  3. Open the Engine page in Spine Toolbox Settings (File -> Settings…)

    • Enable remote execution from the checkbox (Enabled)

    • Set up the Spine Engine Server settings (host, port, security model, and security folder). Host is when the Server runs on the same computer as the client

    • Click Ok, to close and save the new Settings

  4. Click play-all to execute the project