Importing and exporting data

This section describes the available tools to import and export data.


Spine database editor supports importing and exporting data in three different formats: SQLite, JSON, and Excel. The SQLite import/export uses the Spine database format. The JSON and Excel import/export use a specific format described below.


To get a JSON or Excel file template you can simply export an existing Spine database into one of those formats.

Excel format

The Excel format consists of one sheet per object and relationship class. Each sheet can have one of four different formats:

  1. Object class with scalar parameter data:
  1. Object class with time-series parameter data:

  2. Relationship class with scalar parameter data:

  3. Relationship class with time-series parameter data:


JSON format

The JSON format consists of a single JSON object with the following OPTIONAL keys:

  • object_classes: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of object classes. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have three elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object class name.
    • The second element MUST be either a JSON string, indicating the object class description, or null.
    • The third element MUST be either a JSON integer, indicating the object class icon code, or null.
  • relationship_classes: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of relationships classes. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have three elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the relationship class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON array, indicating the member object classes. Each element in this array MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object class name.
    • The third element MUST be either a JSON string, indicating the relationship class description, or null.
  • parameter_value_lists: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of parameter value lists. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have two elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the parameter value list name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON array, indicating the values in the list. Each element in this array MUST be either a JSON object, string, number, or null, indicating the value.
  • object_parameters: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of object parameter definitions. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have five elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the parameter name.
    • The third element MUST be either a JSON object, string, number, or null, indicating the parameter default value.
    • The fourth element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the associated parameter value list, or null.
    • The last element MUST be either a JSON string, indicating the parameter description, or null.
  • relationship_parameters: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of relationship parameter definitions. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have five elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the relationship class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the parameter name.
    • The third element MUST be either a JSON object, string, number, or null, indicating the parameter default value.
    • The fourth element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the associated parameter value list, or null
    • The last element MUST be either a JSON string, indicating the parameter description, or null.
  • objects: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of objects. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have three elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object name.
    • The third element MUST be either a JSON string, indicating the object description, or null.
  • relationships: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of relationships. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have two elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the relationship class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON array, indicating the member objects. Each element in this array MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object name.
  • object_parameter_values: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of object parameter values. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have four elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object name.
    • The third element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the parameter name.
    • The fourth element MUST be either a JSON object, string, number, or null, indicating the parameter value.
  • relationship_parameter_values: the value of this key MUST be a JSON array, representing a list of relationship parameter values. Each element in this array MUST be itself a JSON array and MUST have four elements:
    • The first element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the relationship class name.
    • The second element MUST be a JSON array, indicating the relationship’s member objects. Each element in this array MUST be a JSON string, indicating the object name.
    • The third element MUST be a JSON string, indicating the parameter name.
    • The fourth element MUST be either a JSON object, string, number, or null, indicating the parameter value.


    "object_classes": [
        ["connection", "An entity where an energy transfer takes place", 280378317271233],
        ["node", "An entity where an energy balance takes place", 280740554077951],
        ["unit", "An entity where an energy conversion process takes place", 281470681805429],
    "relationship_classes": [
        ["connection__node__node", ["connection", "node", "node"] , null],
        ["unit__from_node", ["unit", "node"], null],
        ["unit__to_node", ["unit", "node"], null],
    "parameter_value_lists": [
        ["balance_type_list", ["\"balance_type_node\"", "\"balance_type_group\"", "\"balance_type_none\""]],
        ["truth_value_list", ["\"value_false\"", "\"value_true\""]],
    "object_parameters": [
        ["connection", "connection_availability_factor", 1.0, null, null],
        ["node", "balance_type", "balance_type_node", "balance_type_list", null],
    "relationship_parameters": [
        ["connection__node__node", "connection_flow_delay", {"type": "duration", "data": "0h"}, null, null],
        ["unit__from_node", "unit_capacity", null, null, null],
        ["unit__to_node", "unit_capacity", null, null, null],
    "objects": [
        ["connection", "Bastusel_to_Grytfors_disch", null],
        ["node", "Bastusel_lower", null],
        ["node", "Bastusel_upper", null],
        ["node", "Grytfors_upper", null],
        ["unit", "Bastusel_pwr_plant", null],
    "relationships": [
        ["connection__node__node", ["Bastusel_to_Grytfors_disch", "Grytfors_upper", "Bastusel_lower"]],
        ["unit__from_node", ["Bastusel_pwr_plant", "Bastusel_upper"]],
        ["unit__to_node", ["Bastusel_pwr_plant", "Bastusel_lower"]],
    "object_parameter_values": [
        ["node", "Bastusel_upper", "demand", -0.2579768519],
        ["node", "Bastusel_upper", "fix_node_state", {"type": "time_series", "data": {"2018-12-31T23:00:00": 5581.44, "2019-01-07T23:00:00": 5417.28}}],
        ["node", "Bastusel_upper", "has_state", "value_true"],
    "relationship_parameter_values": [
        ["connection__node__node", ["Bastusel_to_Grytfors_disch", "Grytfors_upper", "Bastusel_lower"], "connection_flow_delay", {"type": "duration", "data": "1h"}],
        ["unit__from_node", ["Bastusel_pwr_plant", "Bastusel_upper"], "unit_capacity", 127.5],


To import a file, go to File –> Import. The Import file dialog will pop up. Select the file type (SQLite, JSON, or Excel), enter the path of the file to import, and accept the dialog.


Changes from import operations are not committed immediately to any databases. You need to commit them separately (see Committing and rolling back).


You can undo import operations using Edit -> Undo.


Mass export

To export items in mass, go to File –> Export. The Mass export items dialog will pop up:


Select the databases you want to export under Databases, and the type of items under Items, then press Ok. The Export file dialog will pop up now. Select the file type (SQLite, JSON, or Excel), enter the path of the file to export, and accept the dialog.

Selective export

To export a specific subset of items, select the corresponding items in either Object tree and Relationship tree, right click on the selection to bring the context menu, and select Export selected.

The Export file dialog will pop up. Select the file type (SQLite, JSON, or Excel), enter the path of the file to export, and accept the dialog.

Session export

To export only uncommitted changes made in the current session, go to File –> Export session.

The Export file dialog will pop up. Select the file type (SQLite, JSON, or Excel), enter the path of the file to export, and accept the dialog.


Export operations include all uncommitted changes.

Accessing/using exported files

Whenever you successfully export a file, a button with the file name is created in the Exports bar at the bottom of the form. To open the file in your registered program, press that button. To open the containing folder, click on the arrow next to the file name and select Open containing folder from the popup menu.

To add an exported SQLite file to a Data Store item in the current project, click on the arrow next to the file name and select Add to project from the popup menu. The Add SQLite file to Project dialog will pop up. Select a Data Store item from the list to become the host of the exported file. Alternatively, you can create a new Data Store item by typing in the last row. When you’re done, press OK.