
Base classes to represent items from multiple databases in a tree.

  1. Vennström (VTT), M. Marin (KTH)



Module Contents



A tree item that may belong in multiple databases.

class spinetoolbox.spine_db_editor.mvcmodels.multi_db_tree_item.MultiDBTreeItem(model=None, db_map_id=None)[source]

Bases: spinetoolbox.mvcmodels.minimal_tree_model.TreeItem

A tree item that may belong in multiple databases.

Init class.

  • db_mngr (SpineDBManager) – a database manager

  • db_map_data (dict) – maps instances of DiffDatabaseMapping to the id of the item in that db


Item type identifier string. Should be set to a meaningful value by subclasses.

visual_key = ['name'][source]
property db_mngr(self)[source]
property child_item_type(self)[source]

Returns the type of child items. Reimplement in subclasses to return something more meaningful.

property display_id(self)[source]

“Returns an id for display based on the display key. This id must be the same across all db_maps. If it’s not, this property becomes None and measures need to be taken (see update_children_by_id).

property display_data(self)[source]

“Returns the name for display.

property display_database(self)[source]

“Returns the database for display.

property display_icon(self)[source]

Returns an icon to display next to the name. Reimplement in subclasses to return something nice.

property first_db_map(self)[source]

Returns the first associated db_map.

property last_db_map(self)[source]

Returns the last associated db_map.

property db_maps(self)[source]

Returns a list of all associated db_maps.

property db_map_ids(self)[source]

Returns dict with db_map as key and id as value

add_db_map_id(self, db_map, id_)[source]

Adds id for this item in the given db_map.

take_db_map(self, db_map)[source]

Removes the mapping for given db_map and returns it.


Refreshes children after taking db_maps from them. Called after removing and updating children for this item.

deep_remove_db_map(self, db_map)[source]

Removes given db_map from this item and all its descendants.

deep_take_db_map(self, db_map)[source]

Removes given db_map from this item and all its descendants, and returns a new item from the db_map’s data.


MultiDBTreeItem, NoneType

deep_merge(self, other)[source]

Merges another item and all its descendants into this one.

db_map_id(self, db_map)[source]

Returns the id for this item in given db_map or None if not present.

db_map_data(self, db_map)[source]

Returns data for this item in given db_map or None if not present.

db_map_data_field(self, db_map, field, default=None)[source]

Returns field from data for this item in given db_map or None if not found.

_create_new_children(self, db_map, children_ids)[source]

Creates new items from ids associated to a db map.

  • db_map (DiffDatabaseMapping) – create children for this db_map

  • children_ids (iter) – create children from these ids

_merge_children(self, new_children)[source]

Merges new children into this item. Ensures that each children has a valid display id afterwards.


Returns whether or not this item has or could have children.


Fetches children from all associated databases.

abstract _get_children_ids(self, db_map)[source]

Returns a list of children ids. Must be reimplemented in subclasses.

append_children_by_id(self, db_map_ids)[source]

Appends children by id.


db_map_ids (dict) – maps DiffDatabaseMapping instances to list of ids

remove_children_by_id(self, db_map_ids)[source]

Removes children by id.


db_map_ids (dict) – maps DiffDatabaseMapping instances to list of ids


Checks if the item is still valid after an update operation.

update_children_by_id(self, db_map_ids)[source]

Updates children by id. Essentially makes sure all children have a valid display id after updating the underlying data. These may require ‘splitting’ a child into several for different dbs or merging two or more children from different dbs.

Examples of problems:

  • The user renames an object_class in one db but not in the others –> we need to split

  • The user renames an object_class and the new name is already ‘taken’ by another object_class in another db_map –> we need to merge


db_map_ids (dict) – maps DiffDatabaseMapping instances to list of ids

insert_children(self, position, *children)[source]

Insert new children at given position. Returns a boolean depending on how it went.

  • position (int) – insert new items here

  • children (iter) – insert items from this iterable

remove_children(self, position, count)[source]

Removes count children starting from the given position.


Clear children list.


Recomputes the child map.

find_children_by_id(self, db_map, *ids, reverse=True)[source]

Generates children with the given ids in the given db_map. If the first id is True, then generates all children with the given db_map.

find_rows_by_id(self, db_map, *ids, reverse=True)[source]
_find_unsorted_rows_by_id(self, db_map, *ids)[source]

Generates rows corresponding to children with the given ids in the given db_map. If the only id given is None, then generates rows corresponding to all children with the given db_map.

data(self, column, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]

Returns data for given column and role.


Returns data to set as default in a parameter table when this item is selected.