Execution Modes

You can execute Python or Julia Tools in the Jupyter Console or as in the shell. Gams Tools are only executed as in the shell.


Shell execution (default)

On Tools page in File->Settings…, check the Run Python Tools in a subprocess radiobutton (release-0.6) or uncheck the Jupyter Console check box (master). This is the default execution mode for Python Tools.

Jupyter Console / Python Console execution

If you want to use the embedded Python Console (Jupyter Console). Check the Run Python Tools in embedded console radiobutton (release-0.6) or check the Jupyter Console check box (master). There is an extra step involved since the Jupyter Console requires a couple of extra packages (ipykernel and its dependencies) to be installed on the selected Python. In addition, kernel specifications for the selected Python need to be installed beforehand. Spine Toolbox can install these for you, from the Kernel Spec Editor widget that you can open from the Tools page in File->Settings.. by clicking the Kernel Spec Editor button. In the Kernel Spec Editor, give the spec a name and click Make kernel specification button.


You can install Python kernel specifications manually and Spine Toolbox will find them. You can select the kernel spec used in the Jupyter Console from the drop-down menu Select Python kernel spec….


Shell execution (default)

On Tools page in File->Settings…, check the Run Julia Tools in a subprocess radiobutton (release-0.6) or uncheck the Jupyter Console check box (master). This is the default execution mode for Julia Tools.

Jupyter Console / Julia Console execution

Like the Python Console, Julia Console requires some extra setting up. The Julia Console requires a couple of additional packages (IJulia, etc.) to be installed and built. Spine Toolbox can set this up for you automatically. Just click the Kernel spec Editor button, give the spec a name and click Make kernel specification button.


You can install Julia kernel specifications manually and Spine Toolbox will find them. You can select the kernel spec used in the Jupyter Console from the drop-down menu Select Julia kernel spec….