Source code for spinetoolbox.spine_db_fetcher

# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Spine project consortium
# This file is part of Spine Toolbox.
# Spine Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.

SpineDBFetcher class.

:authors: M. Marin (KTH)
:date:   13.3.2020

from PySide2.QtCore import Signal, Slot, QObject

[docs]class SpineDBFetcher(QObject): """Fetches content from a Spine database."""
[docs] finished = Signal()
[docs] _started = Signal()
def __init__(self, db_mngr, mini): """Initializes the fetcher object. Args: db_mngr (SpineDBManager): used for fetching. mini (MiniSpineDBManager): used for signalling about the fetching. It has the same cache and icon_mngr as db_mngr but not the same signaller. This means we can signal only to a specific listener. """ super().__init__() self._db_mngr = db_mngr self._mini = mini self.moveToThread(db_mngr.thread) self._started.connect(self._do_work) self._db_maps = None self._tablenames = None self.prepared = False self.started = False self._stopped = False
[docs] def clean_up(self): self.deleteLater()
[docs] def fetch(self, listener, db_maps, tablenames=None): """Fetches items from the database and emit added signals. Args: db_maps (Iterable of DatabaseMappingBase): database maps to fetch tablenames (list, optional): If given, only fetches tables in this list, otherwise fetches them all """ for db_map in db_maps: self._mini.signaller.add_db_map_listener(db_map, listener) self._db_maps = db_maps self._tablenames = tablenames self.prepared = True self._db_mngr.fetch_next()
[docs] def start(self): self.started = True self._started.emit()
[docs] def stop(self): self._stopped = True self.finished.emit()
[docs] def _do_work(self): getter_signal_lookup = { "object_class": (self._db_mngr.get_object_classes, self._mini.object_classes_added), "relationship_class": (self._db_mngr.get_relationship_classes, self._mini.relationship_classes_added), "parameter_definition": (self._db_mngr.get_parameter_definitions, self._mini.parameter_definitions_added), "parameter_definition_tag": ( self._db_mngr.get_parameter_definition_tags, self._mini.parameter_definition_tags_added, ), "object": (self._db_mngr.get_objects, self._mini.objects_added), "relationship": (self._db_mngr.get_relationships, self._mini.relationships_added), "entity_group": (self._db_mngr.get_entity_groups, self._mini.entity_groups_added), "parameter_value": (self._db_mngr.get_parameter_values, self._mini.parameter_values_added), "parameter_value_list": (self._db_mngr.get_parameter_value_lists, self._mini.parameter_value_lists_added), "parameter_tag": (self._db_mngr.get_parameter_tags, self._mini.parameter_tags_added), "alternative": (self._db_mngr.get_alternatives, self._mini.alternatives_added), "scenario": (self._db_mngr.get_scenarios, self._mini.scenarios_added), "scenario_alternative": (self._db_mngr.get_scenario_alternatives, self._mini.scenario_alternatives_added), "feature": (self._db_mngr.get_features, self._mini.features_added), "tool": (self._db_mngr.get_tools, self._mini.tools_added), "tool_feature": (self._db_mngr.get_tool_features, self._mini.tool_features_added), "tool_feature_method": (self._db_mngr.get_tool_feature_methods, self._mini.tool_feature_methods_added), } if self._tablenames is None: self._tablenames = getter_signal_lookup.keys() for tablename in self._tablenames: getter_signal = getter_signal_lookup.get(tablename) if getter_signal is None: continue getter, signal = getter_signal for db_map in self._db_maps: for chunk in getter(db_map): if self._stopped: return signal.emit({db_map: chunk}) self.finished.emit()