
Spine Toolbox grid view

  1. Vennström (VTT)


Module Contents

class tabularview_models.PivotModel[source]

clears data that is tracked

set_new_data(self, data, index_names, index_type, rows=(), columns=(), frozen=(), frozen_value=(), index_entries=None, valid_index_values=None, tuple_index_entries=None, used_index_values=None, index_real_names=None)[source]

set the data of the model, index names and any additional indexes that don’t have data, valid index values.

static _is_invalid_pivot(rows, columns, frozen, frozen_value, index_names)[source]

checks if given pivot is valid for index_names, returns str with error message if invalid else None


Filters out data with index values in index_frozen

_index_key_getter(self, names_of_index)[source]

creates a itemgetter that always returns tuples from list of index names

_get_unique_index_values(self, index, filter_index, filter_value)[source]

Finds unique index values for index names in index filtered by index names in filter_index with values in filter_value

set_pivot(self, rows, columns, frozen, frozen_value)[source]

Sets pivot for current data

set_frozen_value(self, value)[source]

Sets the value of the frozen indexes

static _index_entries_without_data(pivot_index, pivot_set, filter_index, filter_value, tuple_index_entries)[source]

find values in tuple_index_entries that are not present in pivot_set for index in pivot index filtered by filter_index and filter_value

get_pivoted_data(self, row_mask, col_mask)[source]

gets data from current pivot with indexes in row_mask and col_mask

set_pivoted_data(self, data, row_mask, col_mask)[source]

paste list of lists into current pivot, no change of indexes, row_mask list of indexes where to paste data rows in current pivot col_mask list of indexes where to paste data columns in current pivot

_add_index_value(self, value, name)[source]
_delete_data(self, key)[source]
_add_data(self, key, value)[source]
_restore_data(self, key)[source]
row(self, row)[source]
column(self, col)[source]
restore_pivoted_values(self, indexes)[source]

Restores all values for given indexes

delete_pivoted_values(self, indexes)[source]

Deletes values for given indexes

delete_tuple_index_values(self, delete_tuples)[source]

deletes values from keys with combination of indexes given that match tuple_index_entries

delete_index_values(self, delete_indexes)[source]

delete one ore more index value from data

_data_to_header(self, data, start_index, index_values, index_names, mask, direction)[source]
paste_data(self, row_start=0, row_header_data=None, col_start=0, col_header_data=None, data=None, row_mask=None, col_mask=None)[source]

Paste a list of list into current view of AbstractTable

edit_index(self, new_index, index_mask, direction)[source]

Edits the index of either row or column

is_valid_index(self, index, index_name)[source]

checks if if given index value is a valid value for given index

is_valid_key(self, key, existing_keys, key_names)[source]

Checks if given key (combination of indexes) is valid

class tabularview_models.PivotTableModel(parent=None)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractTableModel


Returns the index of the column designated as Y values for plotting or None.

set_data(self, data, index_names, index_type, rows=(), columns=(), frozen=(), frozen_value=(), index_entries=None, valid_index_values=None, tuple_index_entries=None, used_index_values=None, index_real_names=None)[source]
set_pivot(self, rows, columns, frozen, frozen_value)[source]
set_frozen_value(self, frozen_value)[source]
delete_values(self, indexes)[source]
delete_index_values(self, keys_dict)[source]
delete_tuple_index_values(self, tuple_key_dict)[source]
restore_values(self, indexes)[source]
get_key(self, index)[source]
get_col_key(self, column)[source]
paste_data(self, index, data, row_mask, col_mask)[source]

paste data into pivot model

_indexes_to_pivot_index(self, indexes)[source]

updates the top left corner ‘header’ data


Returns the row index to the first data row.


number of rows that contains actual data


number of columns that contains actual data

rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex())[source]

Number of rows in table, number of header rows + datarows + 1 empty row

columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex())[source]

Number of columns in table, number of header columns + datacolumns + 1 empty columns

flags(self, index)[source]

Roles for data

index_in_top_left(self, index)[source]

check if index is in top left corner, where pivot names are displayed

index_in_data(self, index)[source]

check if index is in data area

index_in_column_headers(self, index)[source]

check if index is in column headers (horizontal) area

index_in_row_headers(self, index)[source]

check if index is in row headers (vertical) area

set_plot_x_column(self, column, is_x)[source]

Sets or clears the Y flag on a column

set_index_key(self, index, value, direction)[source]

edits/sets a index value in a index in row/column

setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole)[source]
data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]
headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]
data_color(self, index)[source]
class tabularview_models.PivotTableSortFilterProxy(parent=None)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel

set_filter(self, index_name, filter_value)[source]
accept_index(self, index, index_names)[source]
delete_values(self, delete_indexes)[source]
restore_values(self, indexes)[source]
paste_data(self, index, data)[source]
filterAcceptsRow(self, source_row, source_parent)[source]

Returns true if the item in the row indicated by the given source_row and source_parent should be included in the model; otherwise returns false. All the rules and subrules need to pass.

filterAcceptsColumn(self, source_column, source_parent)[source]

Returns true if the item in the column indicated by the given source_column and source_parent should be included in the model; otherwise returns false.

class tabularview_models.FilterCheckboxListModel(parent=None, show_empty=True)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractListModel

rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex())[source]
data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]
click_index(self, index)[source]
set_list(self, data, all_selected=True)[source]
add_item(self, items, selected=True)[source]
set_selected(self, selected, select_empty=None)[source]
set_filter(self, search_for)[source]
remove_items(self, items)[source]