
Parameter merging settings widget.

  1. Soininen (VTT)


Module Contents

spinetoolbox.project_items.exporter.widgets.parameter_merging_settings._ERROR_MESSAGE = <span style='color:#ff3333;white-space: pre-wrap;'>{}</span>[source]
class spinetoolbox.project_items.exporter.widgets.parameter_merging_settings.ParameterMergingSettings(entity_class_infos, parent, parameter_name=None, merging_setting=None)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget

A widget for configure parameter merging.

  • entity_class_infos (list) – list of EntityClassInfo objects
  • parent (QWidget) – a parent widget
  • parameter_name (str) – merged parameter name of None for widget
  • merging_setting (MergingSetting) – merging settings or None for empty widget

Emitted when the settings widget wants to get removed from the parent window.


Name of the merged parameter.


Constructs the MergingSetting object from the widget’s contents.

update(self, entity_class_infos)[source]

Updates the settings after database commit.


Updates the message label according to widget’s error state.

_clear_flag(self, state)[source]

Clears a state flag.

_set_flag(self, state)[source]

Sets a state flag.

_reset_indexing_domains_label(self, domain_name=None, domain_names=None)[source]

Rewrites the contents of indexing_domains_label.

_update_parameter_name(self, name)[source]

Updates the merged parameter name.

_remove_self(self, _)[source]

Requests removal from the parent window.

_handle_domain_selection_change(self, selected, _)[source]

Resets the settings after another item has been selected in domains_list_view.

_update_indexing_domain_name(self, name)[source]

Resets indexing_domains_label.

_move_domain_left(self, _)[source]

Moves the new indexing domain left in indexing_domains_label.

_move_domain_right(self, _)[source]

Moves the new indexing domain left in indexing_domains_label.

class spinetoolbox.project_items.exporter.widgets.parameter_merging_settings._DomainNameListModel(entity_classes)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractListModel

Model for domains_list_view.

Stores EntityClassInfo objects displaying the entity name in domains_list_view.

Parameters:entity_classes (list) – a list of EntityClassObjects
data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]

Returns model’s data for given index.

headerData(self, section, orientation)[source]

Returns None.

index_for(self, set_name)[source]

Returns the QModelIndex for given set name.

item_at(self, row)[source]

Returns the EntityClassInfo object at given row.

rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex())[source]

Returns the size of the model.

update(self, entity_classes)[source]

Updates the model.

class spinetoolbox.project_items.exporter.widgets.parameter_merging_settings._ParameterNameListModel(names)[source]

Bases: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractListModel

Model for parameter_name_list_view.

Parameters:names (list) – list of parameter names to show in the view
data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole)[source]

Returns the model’s data.

flags(self, index)[source]

Returns flags for given index.

headerData(self, section, orientation)[source]

Returns None.

reset(self, names)[source]

Resets the model’s contents when a new index is selected in domains_list_view.

rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex())[source]

Returns the number of parameter names.

select(self, names)[source]

Selects parameters for inclusion in the merged parameter.


Returns a list of the selected parameters.

setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole)[source]

Selects or deselects the parameter at given index for inclusion in the merged parameter.

update(self, names)[source]

Updates the parameter names keeping the previous selection where it makes sense.